Search for items, products, names and other details. Writing "Napoleon", you'll see all places related to Napoleon.
Search for address, place or postcode: Click onto the search symbol on the map.
Goodland offers a geographic search for terms, product or service names, dates and names. The locations and stationary shops that are linked to the respective term (e.g. "Armani" or "1683" or "Sisi") are displayed immediately on the map, can be clicked and offer brief information or detailed information.
As I said, you can search for names and terms. But also for addresses with the symbol of the magnifying glass on the right in the map image. In addition, goodvienna offers entire categories with points of interest such as e-charging stations, parking garages, natural monuments, public transport stops, museums, schools, universities, police stations, etc.
Vienna tourists search for certain terms. For example, they want to know which places in Vienna Empress Sisi liked to visit. Entering the search term 'Sisi' shows all places in Vienna that have to do with Sisi. This ranges from the 'Elisabeth rest' on the Kahlenberg to the Hermesvilla in the Lainzer Tiergarten.
Not only tourists shop in Viennese boutiques. Locals also cover 90% of their needs in stationary retail. While you always get to a web shop when you search for a product on Google, stationary retail has so far been left out. With retailers and suppliers have the chance to be found with a detailed search term. E.g. an eyewear shop with the name of an eyewear designer.